Tag Archives: hadiths and hatred

Islamic liberalism is a million times more dangerous than radical Islam

Islamic liberalism is a million times more dangerous than radical Islam

Lee Jay Walker

Global Security News

The biggest threat to all civilizations is Islamic liberalism because Islamic liberals fully understand Islamic history but like the deceivers they are; they still desire to Islamize but by Islamic dawah, stealth jihad, and Islamic kitman.

Osama bin Laden supported killing apostates, Islamic jihad, Islamic Sharia law, killing homosexuals, child marriage, stoning women to death for adultery, enslaving non-Muslims during jihad, and he believed that Muslim men would go to heaven and meet virgins after killing infidels.

The Islam of Osama bin Laden was based on Mohammed, the Koran, Hadiths and Islamic Sharia law.  All the above in the previous paragraph was sanctioned by Mohammed and Mohammed himself married a child and ordered the killings of non-Muslims in the name of Allah.

Islamic liberal organizations like Muslim Bridges ( in America are openly spreading Islam despite claiming to build bridges.  You only have to check their website to note that they visit Christian churches and teach people how to pray to Allah and how Islam is based on love and peace.

Of course, these liberal kitman Muslims know full well that apostates are killed in Islamic nations based on Sharia Islamic law.  Therefore, Muslim converts to other religions face the death penalty in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, the Maldives, and Yemen.

However, the kitman liberal Muslims will state that Mohammed means peace and that Islam means love and humility.  Somehow killing apostates, stoning to death, cross amputation, child marriage (child rape and still sanctioned in Saudi Arabia), stoning to death for adultery, enslaving during jihad and so on; all this means “peace” in the minds of kitman loving liberal Muslims who love to spread Islamic dawah by stating complete lies.

Muslim Bridges also plays the race card and states how ethnicity is not important in Islam and so forth. This organization praises the fact that mixed marriages can be seen openly in Mecca and all because of the greatness of Allah.

Strange because slavery was not abolished until the 1960s in the lands of Mecca and Medina and this only happened because of external pressure by non-Muslim nations.  Also, in modern day Mauritania and Sudan it is clear that black Africans are treated with disdain and that slavery is a constant threat.

Another point which Islamic liberals gloss over is the fact that non-Muslim men face the death penalty in Saudi Arabia for marrying a Muslim female.  Yes, for an act of love the reality of Islam in accordance to Islamic Sharia law means death in the lands of Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, the Maldives, Yemen and a few other nations.

Of course the liberal media machine, the United Nations and political leaders in the West desire to ignore this reality.  After all, the non-Muslim world must show its fairness while Islamists kill Buddhists in southern Thailand and marry non-Muslims freely and without any hindrance. 

It seems that Islamic fanatics and Islamic liberals can’t lose because either way it is a win-win situation.  Therefore, the Muslim population keeps on growing in India and the United Kingdom and at the same time the Hindu population faces complete annihilation in Pakistan and the same fate awaits the Christian community in Iraq.

If you magnify organizations and individuals like Muslim Bridges then it is abundantly clear that liberal Islam is the real threat to non-Muslim nations.   Also, liberals in the West and India are bending over backwards in order to allow this lie to spread despite Islamic sources in the Koran and the Hadiths which state the opposite.

Therefore, for every non-Muslim who is converted to radical Islam in mainly non-Muslim nations, you will have another 99 who are converted to liberal Islamic kitman, whereby Islamic dawah openly enabled lies to be told in order to spread the faith.

The madness of these Islamic liberals is much worse than individuals like Osama bin Laden who fully understood the reality of Islam. 

After all, if you look at Afghanistan then firstly liberal Islam was spread along with the Sufi deceivers who are dangerous because they first went out and converted in the name of deceit and lies. 

Once the faith spread and Islam grew in power then Buddhism, Hinduism and all non-Muslim faiths in Afghanistan were doomed to slavery and the Islamic inquisition.

In time Islamization would take place in Afghanistan and all Buddhists and Hindus faced the sword of Islam.  After this, the various thought patterns in Islam were seen to be problematic because past culture remained therefore the Sunni Islamic Taliban emerged and now it was the turn of Shia Muslims and other non-Sunni branches to face the wrath of pure Sunni Islamization.

Liberal Muslims are the real threat because Islamic armies can no longer invade the majority of non-Muslim nations.  Therefore, Saudi Arabia and others are spreading Islam via Islamic dawah, deceit and open lies in order to Islamize.

It is vital that non-Muslim religious leaders and politicians don’t fall into this trap and the truth about Mohammed, slavery in Islam, child marriage, and so forth; must be told to the masses in order to fight stealth jihad and liberal Islam.

Islamic fanatics like Osama bin Laden only wake people up to the real hatred of Islamic dogma.  However, the television version of Malcolm X who supported the slave owning Mohammed is the real threat alongside organizations like Muslim Bridges.

This is based on the reality that Islam is being revamped in the mainly non-Muslim world in order to Islamize and Islamic liberals, Islamic kitman and stealth jihad is a trinity which is much more powerful than Islamic terrorism.

In nations where non-Muslim minorities are small they face the sword of Islam and in modern day Somalia the Islamic inquisition is in full swing and many Christians have been beheaded and killed in gruesome ways.  The same barbarity is being unleashed against Buddhists in southern Thailand and against minorities in a host of other nations.

However, in the non-Muslim world the threat is liberal Islam, stealth jihad and Islamic kitman. This threat is magnified by the “enemy from within” and many universities, the mass media, Western politicians and liberal non-Muslim religious leaders are bending over backwards in order to accommodate the Islamic faith.

Yet history tells us that Islam cares little about accommodation and the Islamization of Kashmir, Kosovo, Pakistan, Iraq, southern Thailand, and in other parts of the world, is ongoing in the twenty-first century.


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Christians killed by Muslims in Egypt, Iraq, and Nigeria

Christians killed by Muslims in Egypt, Iraq, and Nigeria


Lee Jay Walker

The Modern Tokyo Times


The blood of Christians is constantly being spilled by Muslims in Egypt, Iraq, and Nigeria

The blood of Christians is constantly being spilled by Muslims in Egypt, Iraq, and Nigeria















Islamic terrorists have massacred innocent Christians in the name of Allah in Egypt during New Year celebrations.  Just like Islamists blew up several Christian churches in Nigeria the week before and murdered Christians in Iraq.  In truth, the violence of 2011 will follow the same pattern towards non-Muslims which took place during the reign of Mohammed in the 7th century.


After all, Islam believes in the theories of Islamic jihad, dhimmitude, enslaving non-Muslims who are unwilling to become dhimmis, killing apostates, and violating all known concepts of religious freedom.  At best, minorities can survive in Islamic based societies but because of institutional discrimination, which is based on the Koran, the Hadiths, and Islamic Sharia law, then these minorities become even more marginalized and their numbers decrease because of the overt Islamization policies which are put in place.


Coptic Christians in Egypt and Assyrian Christians in Iraq, alongside other minorities in Iraq, has a rich history which pre-dates Islam. However, countless Islamic invasions led to the marginalization of Christianity in both nations and Islamization and Arabization followed.


Today Iraq is in crisis and American military forces and other international troops have abandoned the Christians of Iraq and the same applies to major international world leaders.  Therefore, the Iraqi Christian community is in free fall and the same applies to the Mandaeans, Shabaks, and Yazidis.


The situation in Nigeria is complex because of the ethnic and religious diversity of this nation.  Also, vast areas in Nigeria have never been Islamized.  In recent times it is the growth of Christianity in Nigeria which is vibrant and this fact is clearly causing alarm bells amongst Islamists in northern Nigeria because they fear the growth of Christianity.


Therefore, the implementation of Islamic Sharia law was aimed at preventing the continuing growth of Christianity in the heartlands of Islam in northern Nigeria.  At the same time Islamic leaders hope to create a power base in order to propagate the faith of Islam to other parts of Nigeria.  The theory is simple, to keep Islam in power in northern Nigeria and to create a cushion via Islamic Sharia law and the use of violence is part and parcel of this strategy. 


Pope Benedict clearly understands that the Christians of Iraq face complete annihilation because the international community is just “standing back and doing nothing.”  Islamic jihadists and regional actors which desire to seek the destruction of Christianity in Iraq are getting their wish because you have “no backbone within the international community” and all non-Muslim minorities are expendable.


The recent terrorist attack in Egypt was condemned by Pope Benedict because he stated that “This vile gesture of death, like that of putting bombs near to the houses of Christians in Iraq to force them to leave, offends God and all of humanity.”  Pope Benedict also stated that “words were not enough” and it is clear that the Vatican desires to see real action and commitment in order to protect all religious minorities who are suffering in the Middle East.


In my article called Muslims slaughter Christians in Egypt I stated that In recent times you have had many attacks against Christians and this applies to murders, riots against Christians, attacks against Coptic Christian churches, abduction and forced rapes of Christian females, and other insidious forms of discrimination and persecution.”

“In truth, ever since the first Islamic conquest of Egypt you have had systematic persecution because religious pluralism and freedom of thought does not exist in Islam. Therefore, from the very foundation of Islam in Egypt it was clear that Christians had to pay tax (jizya) in order to be protected and non-payment could mean death, enslavement, or forced conversion”


These comments were made after Coptic Christians were killed in Nag Hamadi in Upper Egypt after attending a Christmas midnight mass.  Therefore, it is clear that you have a similar pattern and major dates of joy are seen by Islamists to be a time of opportunity in order to kill in the name of Allah and to spill the blood of Christians.


Turning back to Nigeria, it is clear that recent attacks against Christian churches and the Christian community is nothing new.  Therefore, Christians in northern Nigeria, just like the Christian dominated elite in southern Sudan, are on the frontline against the tide of Islamic jihad and Islamization.  It is essential that democratic nations wake up to the geopolitical reality of Islam and to the political and ideological nature of this faith. After all, Islam is based on devouring non-Muslims and history tells us that the end result is brutal and leads to utter backwardness and barbarity.


Non-Muslims are being devoured by the sword of Islam and this applies to Hindus in Kashmir; Buddhists in southern Thailand; Christians in Somalia; and in Iraq and Pakistan several different faith communities are facing the Islamic end game.  The list could easily be added because the Orthodox Christians of Kosovo and the Baha’is of Iran face a bleak future and many holy places have been attacked.

In my article called The Destruction of Christianity in Iraq since the American invasion I comment that Of course many American soldiers have tried to protect churches and minority communities, however, the leaders of the USA and United Kingdom are indifferent at best, or at worse, they simply do not care about their plight. Instead both nations focused on introducing Islamic Sharia law and no special zones were created to protect the Christian community and other neglected minorities, like the Mandaeans, Shabaks, Turkmens (who are Muslim), and Yazidis. This policy led to alienation and Christians and other minorities became easy targets because they had no military forces to protect them.” 

I continued by commenting that “….the destruction of Christianity in Iraq is taking place because of misguided American policies and because the Christian community is not deemed to be important. So did more Christians leave Iraq under Saddam Hussein or under the American led coalition? And did Saddam Hussein introduce Islamic Sharia law or was it introduced under the American led coalition? Both times the negative answer belongs to the American led invasion because Christians and other minorities have fled their homeland because they feel abandoned and completely marginalized.”   (


It is clear that the Christians of Iraq and other minorities have been abandoned and their plight is clear for all to see.  It must be worrying for the Coptic Christians of Egypt to witness the ongoing events in Iraq because are they not also expendable?  After all, the Coptic Christians face not only the threat of Islamic fanatics but they also suffer because of institutional discrimination and this is the crux of the matter.


Irrespective of who is persecuting the Coptic Christians it is clear that America and other Western powers are only interested in their own self interests.  Therefore, the Coptic Christian community and the Christians of Iraq are not tied into economic support and policy objectives.


The Christian community will continue to suffer massacres and pogroms in northern Nigeria but the Christian community in this nation will not remain passive because they know that the future of Nigeria is in the balance.  However, the state apparatus is against the Christian community in Egypt and legal discrimination and overt Islamic policies is aimed at weakening the Christian community.  While in Iraq it is clear that the central government is weak and Christians have no protection from the Islamic sword which desires the blood of innocents.



Lee Jay Walker  

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Another violent Ramadan in the House of Islam

Another violent Ramadan in the House of Islam 

 Lee Jay Walker     –  The Modern Tokyo Times 

Another terrorist attack in Pakistan by Islamic fanatics
Another terrorist attack in Pakistan by Islamic fanatics


Despite the platitudes by President Obama about Islam being based on peace, the cold reality is very different.  After all, peace and Islam do not go hand-in-hand because Islamic Sharia law is not based on equality, on the contrary it is about the supremacy of Muslims over the non-Muslim dhimmis.   

Also, the central aspect of Islam is clearly about Mohammed and not God. Muslims follow what Mohammed did and not what God ordained and for non-Muslims this appears that Muslims have a “duality” because God appears to come a poor second to Mohammed. 

Yet when you delve into the reality of the real Mohammed then it is clear that modern Islam is based on the sayings of Mohammed, the life of Mohammed, and so forth.  Did God ordain that old men can marry young children?  Of course not, however, the marriage age of children in Saudi Arabia is based on Mohammed. 

The Islamic concept is not about God but what Mohammed did.  Therefore, because he married a young child it means that old Muslim males can marry very young children in the land of Mecca and Medina.  The same applies to a multitude of sins which Mohammed did and said, and this is why violence, Mohammed, and Islam, are part and parcel of the same thing. 

Therefore, violence during Ramadan is natural because Islam is based on the hatred of others and Islam justifies jihad, enslavement, murder of infidels and apostates, and so forth. Given this, the blood keeps running and flowing in accordance with the tenets of Islam and the life of Mohammed. 

Mohammed stated to (Koran 9:29) “Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.” 

Since Ramadan began in 2010 we have had countless suicide attacks or attacks against innocents in Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, and other majority Muslim based nations.  At the same time the last surviving Jain temple was attacked by Islamic zealots in Kashmir and Sikhs have been told to convert to Islam or face death in Pakistan. 

Even during the ongoing flood tragedy in Pakistan you have no let up and no love or compassion amongst the religion of hate.  This applies to Ahmadiyya Muslims being bypassed for economic aid at the expense of the dominant Sunni Muslim population. 

However, Islam is based on “shaky grounds” because are we to really believe that Angel Gabriel was talking to Mohammed all the time?  Also, when Mohammed was visiting all his wives, concubines, and child bride, then what was Angel Gabriel doing?   

Therefore, the story of Mohammed in the later years when he obtained power is about his daily sexual drive and visiting all his females, while praying 5 times a day and talking to Angel Gabriel.  Also, during jihadist attacks by Mohammed and massacring Jews and Pagans, we are meant to believe that all this was sanctioned by Angel Gabriel, which implies God. 

Given this, the Muslim God allowed Mohammed to have more wives than any other Muslim male and the Muslim God allows Mohammed to kill and plunder and then enslave innocents who had been free. 

It is sheer madness to anyone with a rational mind, however, this madness is ongoing and the liberal version in the West is very far from the real version.   Therefore, just like the madness of Mohammed having sex with so many wives, a child, and several concubines, while still praying to God in between.  The same twisted thought pattern continues within Islam in the 21st century, just like it had in the 7th century. 

Therefore, modern day Islamic jihadists pray to God and kill, and then pray again to God and somehow they believe that this is holy.  However, what was holy about Mohammed and what is holy about Islam?    

The liberal West is “prostituting itself” in the name of political correctness, the fear of being deemed religionist, and because of the inherent weaknesses within the democratic system. This in turn enables Islamists to spread their evil message via a dual policy. 

On the one hand we have radical Islamists being given a safe haven in America, the UK, India, and other democratic nations, and this can be seen by homegrown terrorists and radical organizations.  Yet on the other hand we have the dual aspect based on “stealth jihad,” whereby converts or liberal Muslims or Muslims espousing taqiyya and kitman are laying the foundation for the destruction of the host nation.  

India is a prime example, after all they faced the “duality” of this Islamic jihad and this jihad is still ongoing in India.  The Buddhists and Hindus, and others like the Jains and Sikhs, were shown the sword of Islam and many heads were beheaded in the name of Mohammed and so-called Islamic justice.  At the same time the Sufi’s were sent to India in order to create confusion and many converts to Islam were also gained this way.  

This is one form of the “stealth jihad” but you have so many ways of creating confusion in order to obtain power by deception.  Therefore, the words by President Obama about Islam and peace and the ongoing situation about a new mosque being built so close to September 11th is part and parcel of this duality.    

Therefore, behind the real Ramadan is death and violence but world leaders and companies will prostitute themselves for oil, business contracts, and other factors.  The same applies to mega banks who desire to enter the Islamic banking sector. 

Given this, it is yet another bloody Ramadan and the religion of jihad and stealth jihad continues to wage an “open war” and a “hidden war.”  Of course, the “hidden war” is much more dangerous and because of people like President Obama and political leaders in the UK, the advancement of Islam continues under the banner of “peace.” 

However, “real Islam” can be seen by “the soul of Ramadan” which still witnesses death, terrorism, forced dhimmitude, and persecution.  Even during the so-called holy period of Islam it is the same; death, terror, hatred, jihad, and stealth jihad. 

Lee Jay Walker  



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Islamic fanatics slaughter Ahmadiyya Muslims in Pakistan


Islamic fanatics slaughter Ahmadiyya Muslims in Pakistan

Lee Jay Walker  – The Modern Tokyo Times

Radical Islamist and hatred

Radical Islam once more strikes Pakistan because Sunni Islamic fanatics are intent on installing a radical Sunni Islamic monoculture on the people of this nation.  However, in Pakistan you have many diverse Muslim communities, for example Shia Muslims and Ahmadiyya Muslims, and of course you will have many sub-divisions within each branch because of ethnicity or certain factors and you will have many differences within Sunni Islam.

Also, you have other faith groups and this applies to Christianity, Hinduism, and Sikhism.  Despite this, the men of hatred desire to enforce their version of Islam on the entire population, Therefore, Pakistan is being torn apart by the “year zero” mentality of radical Sunni Islam and this can be seen by the recent slaughter in Lahore.

This latest massacre is a continuation of Sunni Islamic hatred which slaughters Christians in Nigeria, kills Buddhists in southern Thailand, and spews it hatred towards all irrespective of the continent you reside in.  It is part of the same evil force which did September 11th and which stones women to death for adultery in Somalia and which kills converts to Christianity in the same land.

Radical Sunni Islamists are at war against humanity and diversity, just like the Islamic past and it is clear that enemies are everywhere.  Therefore, in modern times radical Islamists are killing or persecuting Buddhists (southern Thailand and Bangladesh); killing and persecuting Christians (Egypt, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, and other nations); slaughtering and victimizing minorities like the Shabaks, Mandaeans, and Yazidis in Iraq; and Islamists in Pakistan are also persecuting Hindus and Sikhs.

Therefore, the latest terrorist attack against Ahmadiyya Muslims in Pakistan is a mere continuation of this hatred and the ongoing monoculture which is behind radical Sunni Islam.  Given this, Ahmadiyya Muslims, Christians, Shia Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs, are all targets of this violent ideology and they are being persecuted in the name of Islam in Pakistan.

Of course certain Western leaders desire to appease radical Islam and this certainly applies to the current leader of America, President Obama.  After all, President Obama bent over backwards in Egypt in order to appease Islam and he clearly did not care about the ongoing victimization and persecution of Coptic Christians who are suffering so much in this land.

Therefore, while the latest slaughter of Ahmadiyya Muslims in Lahore, Pakistan, is shocking and a crime against humanity; it is sadly predictable and for Sunni Islamists their hatred is inspired by the teachings of Mohammed and to them they deem all others to be infidels. 

The death toll at the moment is at least 70 people but it may rise and clearly Sunni Islamists do not care if they slaughter innocents in a mosque.  To them, it is their sacred duty to kill in the name of Allah and if this applies to killing people in a Christian church, a Muslim mosque, a Buddhist temple, or wherever, then it does not concern them.

However, will this latest massacre wake the world up to this evil ideology or will it be appeasement time once more?  I know what I wish but given the current state of affairs then words like “Islamic terrorism” will wound leaders like Obama and writers like Karen Armstrong.

To them, and many others who appease Islamists and the reality of the Koran and the Hadiths, the latest massacre of Ahmadiyya Muslims will mean little.  Therefore, the ongoing Islamic jihad which began with Mohammed will continue against all who refuse to be dhimmis. This jihad will be based on Islamic propaganda, massacres, terrorism, and the duplicity of the West which is reaching out to an ideology which does not seek compromise

Let us remember the words of Tariq Mota who murdered a Muslim cleric called Mohammed Yousaf Ali because this cleric supported religious diversity.  He stated that “I now feel spiritually satisfied. It is the responsibility of every Muslim to kill these infidels.”

If we follow this by the words of Mohammed who stated in Verse 9:73 in the Koran that “O Prophet! Strive hard (wage war) against the unbelievers and the Hypocrites and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell, – an evil refuge indeed.” While the Hadith 9:4 states that “Wherever you find infidels kill them; for whoever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection.

Then it is clear that Islamists are killing in the name of Islam and in the name of crushing all forms of diversity within Islam or the non-Muslim world.  Therefore, this hatred which is inspired by the Koran and the Hadiths will continue to butcher and kill innocents irrespective of your religion or if you have no religion.

 However, when will the so-called elites wake up to this global menace?




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