Tag Archives: Middle East

Afghanistan and Syria: Even funeral processions are attacked by FSA and the Taliban

Afghanistan and Syria: Even funeral processions are attacked by FSA and the Taliban

Joachim de Villiers and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times


The Taliban and Free Syrian Army (FSA) have much in common when it comes to car bombs, attacking funeral processions and beheading people. In recent times the brutal nature of the Taliban and FSA can be seen by scores of people being killed during funeral processions by both terrorist forces. Neither the Taliban nor the FSA respect the living or the dead instead they both spread their hatred to every fabric of society which is deemed permissible to attack.

Organizations and wealthy individuals in Saudi Arabia and Qatar who sponsor terrorism will share much in common with both the FSA and the Taliban. After all, these terrorist organizations are deemed to be “the soldiers of Sunni Islamic jihad” within the stark militancy of the countries where funding is easily obtained.

Of course, with the vast majority of individuals who did September 11 coming from Saudi Arabia alongside the largest forces of international Islamists fighting in Iraq coming from the same country; then the Saudi connection to international terrorism is more than obvious. At the same time both Saudi Arabia and Qatar are spreading the dangerous Salafi ideology whereby other Muslims are deemed to be infidels like non-Muslims. This means that other Muslims and non-Muslims are deemed to be subhuman and worthy of slaughter providing Islamist clerics sanction this murder.

The mass contradiction of spreading hatred to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Mali, Somalia and a host of other nations, doesn’t apply to the policies of individuals and organizations which fund Salafi indoctrination and terrorism. On the contrary, the mass contradiction applies to nations like America, France and the United Kingdom which deem the same terrorist forces to be either friends or foes depending on the given situation.

Therefore, while the nation of Syria is on the frontline of protecting secularism, the rights of women and protecting all religious minorities against the forces of terrorism and Islamist ideology. The hypocrites in Washington, London and Paris are on the same side of the brutal forces of Islamist terrorism, car bombing, sectarianism and other evil deeds against the government of Syria. Yet in Afghanistan, the very same nations which supported Islamist terrorism in the 1980s and early 1990s are now fighting the same forces they once supported. It is this schizophrenic policy which is most alarming because these Western powers clearly have no morals.

Given this reality, it is now open season against the government of Syria. This means that car bombings, killing minorities, attacking funeral processions, killing journalists and other brutal deeds by the FSA and Islamist factions like al-Qaeda; are all glossed over and manipulated by language and a compliant media which is also inciting hatred. However, for the people of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria (and other nations) it is clear that all terrorist attacks are evil and should be condemned. Not only this, all ratlines which are maintaining the flow of funding brutal terrorist organizations like the FSA, al-Qaeda and the Taliban should be eradicated where it is possible. However, when it comes to Syria it is clear that nations like America, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, the United Kingdom and France are enabling these Islamist and terrorist ratlines to spread their sectarian hatred to the people of Syria.

The latest Islamist terrorist attacks against funeral processions and ceremonies in Nangarhar (Afghanistan) and Jaramana (Syria) which is a suburb which is mainly Druze and Christian; highlights the brutal reality of Islamist terrorism whereby nothing is sacred. The FSA in Syria and its Islamist cohorts were behind the brutal attack in Damascus in the suburb of Jaramana. Meanwhile, the Taliban was behind the brutal carnage in Nangarhar whereby at least 25 civilians have perished. However, for policy makers in Washington, London and Paris then clearly they are in a flux and rely on the mass media to manipulate reality.

After all, how can world leaders in America, France and the United Kingdom condemn the brutal terrorist attack in Afghanistan but remain silent about the same crime in Syria because it was done by FSA forces they support? Islamists clearly have no principles when it comes to killing innocents but sadly the same can be said for political leaders who govern in Washington, London and Paris. After all, nobody expects morality to come out of Saudi Arabia under its brutal monarchy which supports killing all apostates and child marriage to old men. Yet why are democratic nations being dragged down to the same depravity which is spreading so much evil far and wide?


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Why no US sanctions against France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UK for supporting FSA terrorism?

Why no US sanctions against France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UK for supporting FSA terrorism?

Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

The United States after the barbaric attack by mainly Saudi citizens on September 11 stated that they would adopt a policy aimed at crushing terrorism. If so, will France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UK face American sanctions for supporting the brutal terrorist policies of the Free Syrian Army (FSA)? This is a fair question because the FSA is behind countless terrorist attacks including killing politicians, targeting journalists, using car bombs to slaughter innocents and other vile deeds.

Individuals may or may not support the government of Syria; however, this isn’t the point. At no time in recent history was a terrorist organization like the FSA supported openly by so many governments. The United States is clearly involved in CIA covert acts against Syria and this is notable in Turkey because of the geopolitical reality. However, despite this the Obama administration is at pains to distance itself from al-Qaeda and other Islamist networks which are also causing carnage in Syria. This doesn’t mean that members in the Obama administration don’t welcome the Islamist angle at the moment but given the sensitivity over September 11, then actions must be based on being cunning and manipulating the media.


Saudi Arabia and Qatar are clearly supporting sedition and the knock on effect of this is sectarianism and terrorism. Likewise, the former leader of France and the new leader have openly sided with the FSA against the government of Syria. This is despite the vile acts of the patchwork of terrorists and mercenaries within the FSA. After all, the FSA have killed religious minorities, done car bombs, killed journalists, assassinated political ministers, beheaded individuals, killed Iraqi refugees in Damascus – and a whole array of evil deeds.

The United Kingdom appears to be following the path chosen by the Obama administration. This applies to condemning the Syria government and armed forces while remaining muted when the FSA is blamed for killing people. Also, just like America, it is clear that British covert operatives are utilizing the many links with regional nations. However, political leaders in London and Paris appear to want to intervene militarily on the side of terrorism but both nations want the full support of America before stepping over the direct interventionist line.

Media outlets continue to shame themselves by adopting a constant policy of incitement against Syria. Likewise, Human Rights Watch (HRW) appears to be the “political wing” of the FSA by constantly condemning the Syrian government while remaining muted about the vile deeds of the FSA. Indeed, by mentioning massacres from time to time by the FSA some media outlets and HRW are trying to cover their tracks but clearly media corporations and many human rights organizations are playing their part in inciting hatred.

Tony Cartalucci (Land Destroyer Report) comments that It was recently pointed out that the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) currently arming, funding, and commanding entire brigades of the so-called “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) is designated an Al Qaeda affiliate by the United Nations pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011), in addition to being listed by both the US State Department and the UK Home Office (page 5, .pdf) as a foreign terrorist organization and a proscribed terrorist organization respectively.”

“This means that the United States, the UK, NATO, and the Gulf State despots of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are knowingly and willfully funding designated affiliates of Al Qaeda contrary not only to US and British anti-terror legislation, but contrary to UN resolutions as well. Western and Gulf State support of the FSA constitutes state sponsorship of terrorism. Should the UN fail to enforce its own resolutions, while playing host to further sanctions and considerations for military intervention against the Syrian government, it will have entirely resigned its legitimacy and authority as nothing more than a tool of Western corporate-financier interests.”

The above comment raises the already known fact that American ratlines to FSA terrorism is in “a very dark and deep danger zone.” It is difficult to image after September 11 that any American administration would side openly with international terrorism. However, the role of Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and many others in covering up the crimes of the FSA while bridging international support for this vile terrorist organization, is not only sickening but it raises deeply disturbing issues.

After all, what is the point in offering “American soldiers to Islamists” in Afghanistan and Iraq respectively, if the same evil forces are then supported to topple a secular government in Syria? Are the deaths of thousands of American soldiers so cheap?  It should be raising serious questions in America because now the same Islamists who were fighting American troops in Iraq are now being allowed to enter Syria courtesy of the friends of America in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Clearly the recent terrorist attack which killed many people during a funeral procession means little to political circles in Ankara, Doha, London, Paris, Riyadh and Washington. Therefore, the FSA is showing the world that democratic nations are openly siding with feudal monarchies in Qatar and Saudi Arabia in funding and supporting this brutal terrorist organization. It means that to the above political elites that killing minorities, beheading people who support the Syrian government, hanging individuals, car bombs, destroying Christian areas, inciting massacres against the Alawites, political assassination, killing journalists who support the Syrian government and a whole array of barbaric acts is not only being tolerated but it is being supported.

If the United States is serious about defeating the forces of terrorism then firstly this nation should be putting sanctions on France, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. After this, then political elites in Washington involved in ratlines should be charged with spreading terrorism in Syria. Of course, this isn’t going to happen and clearly September 11 this year is an event which is going to be politicized by the same forces supporting terrorism, sectarianism and sedition against Syria.

The mainly Christian Karen forces in Myanmar have been fighting for decades against various governments of this nation. However, this organization isn’t supported openly because the “wrong religion” to elites in Riyadh and Washington. Also, they don’t go around beheading people and video-taping their crimes. This rebel movement isn’t brutal enough to be supported despite their cause being based on ethnic and religious persecution.

The madness of the FSA is that political elites in Washington, Paris, London, Ankara, Riyadh and Doha have all sunk to new lows and this says a lot given the past history of these respective nations. Therefore, it is currently open season against secular Syria and the various minorities of this nation whereby a rich civilization faces Talibanization and utter brutality. Media agencies and HRW have all jumped on the bandwagon and now they resemble the “FSA party machinery.” Moscow is disgusted that nations are supporting sectarianism, terrorism and sedition but while their words of rebuke can be heard the same terrorist ratlines keep on increasing.

In a world based on international law and “the genuine fight against terrorism” then America would firstly put its allies in the “political dock” and then enter elites within America in “the same dock.” However, in the world of reality it is clear that the FSA can behead people, hang loyalists, do car bombs, kill government politicians, invade major cities to spread more carnage, attack people at funerals, kill refugees, kill journalist, torture people, cleanse Christians and target anyone deemed to be an enemy. If this is the new world order then God help the next country which will be targeted by evil forces in Washington, London, Paris, Ankara, Doha and Riyadh.


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Libya and Mali: Salafi Islamists destroying shrines courtesy of Saudi Arabia and Qatar

Libya and Mali: Salafi Islamists destroying shrines courtesy of Saudi Arabia and Qatar

Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

The “bomb democracy” Western and Gulf policy in Libya brought on the massacres of black Africans, killing of Gaddafi loyalists and creating a “new society” based on disorder which is currently ongoing. Indeed, the chaos which is engulfing Libya is now destabilizing Northern Mali and creating problems for Tunisia. This destabilization is based on vast quantities of military hardware being available and more dangerously the Salafi ideology is spreading because of money from Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Salafi ideology is now intent on destroying Sufi shrines in Libya, Northern Mali, Somalia, and in other parts of the world, where this dangerous ideology fused within a faith is growing in power. In their worldview all other Muslim places of worship and Muslim shrines are deemed to be un-Islamic. This blind hatred can be seen in places like Somalia where all converts to Christianity face death by Islamists in this country.

This isn’t surprising because Saudi Arabia supports killing all apostates to Christianity and not one single Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh and Christian place of worship is allowed. However, just like old men marrying little children in Saudi Arabia and both Qatar and Saudi Arabia supporting terrorism against Syria. Nothing appears to raise the heckles when it comes to the policies of London, Paris, Washington and other governments which throw human rights out of the window when dealing with Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The appeasement of institutional religious discrimination in Saudi Arabia and trampling down on the rights of women is a policy which is “cheapening” democracy. Likewise, this appeasement shames the United Nations and the various bodies connected with this major international institution.

Turning back to Libya and Northern Mali then currently Salafists are intent on destroying all Islamic thought patterns outside of their “blinkered monoculture” which thrives on hatred and fear. Indeed, in Syria some video evidence survives which makes it clear that the Western and Islamist “marriage of convenience” is now spreading this dangerous ideology within Syria. Therefore, mainstream Islam and religious minorities have much to fear in Syria but like usual political leaders in London, Paris and Washington will support any form of barbarity providing it meets their geopolitical ambitions.

Ongoing attacks against Sufi shrines which venerate Sufi Muslim saints in Libya are now under attack. The same Islamists destroyed a Christian graveyard in this country. These blatant crimes of destroying culture and attacking the diversity within Islam are now in full flow in the capital of Libya just like they reached Northern Mali.

The shrine of al-Shaab al-Dahmani in Tripoli follows on from the attack which took place in Ziltan against the tomb of a notable scholar who enriched the Sufi faith. In Ziltan the rich history of the tomb dedicated to Abdel Salam al-Asmar was attacked. Therefore, just like Northern Mali the history of the past is being eradicated by Islamists who obtain funding and indoctrination from their Salafi brethren in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Attacking “infidel” mosques and shrines is now part of the new “Islamist holy war” being funded and supported by organizations and wealthy individuals in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. One can only imagine what will happen to Alawites, Christians, the Druze and mainstream Sunni Islam in Syria if the same Islamists grow in power. If Saudi Arabia and Qatar remain unchecked then the richness of religious diversity within Islam will end up in some nations like Buddhism in Afghanistan in past history. This applies to being decapitated and destroyed by an ideology which seeks only a world based on monoculture.

In the BBC article about the attack against Sufi shrines in Libya one student commented that “There’s a large group of Salafists – they are the one with the bulldozers, and some military police are also present…They seem to be overseeing the process, rather than preventing it… There are some bystanders who seem to approve.”

Similar acts and much worse are now common in Northern Mali because Salafists are intent on destroying the beauty and wisdom of African Islam in Mali. Therefore, historical monuments, shrines and mosques which have been the envy of nations throughout the world, are now on the frontline of Islamism. Sadly, it currently appears that the liberal version of Islam in Mali is being torn apart by outside forces emanating from Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

In a past article by Modern Tokyo Times it was stated that The same foreign Islamists in Mali are akin to the Islamists in Syria. It is a direct mirror looking into another mirror and the Saudi Arabia angle can be seen along the way. In Syria it is much more open while in Mali it is more covert and through channels outside of the government. However, the same violence is the main theme and the same applies to the desire for a monoculture to oppress all alternative thought patterns.”

In other nations like Tunisia the confusion of recent events is enabling massive funding from wealthy individuals and organizations in Saudi Arabia and Qatar to spread their “Islamist Year Zero” policies. It is abundantly clear that an internal ideological war is being funded and supported to spread Salafi Islam. Therefore, the frequent attacks against Shia Muslims and other branches of Islam by Islamists is part of the same conflict which is destroying Muslim shrines in many parts of the world.


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Armed forces of Syria to launch counter attack after FSA enters Aleppo: Erdogan rattled

Armed forces of Syria to launch counter attack after FSA enters Aleppo: Erdogan rattled 

Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

The government of Syria is fighting for its survival because of outside forces destabilizing this nation.  Therefore, the armed forces of Syria are bracing themselves for an important counter attack against Islamists who have entered Aleppo in vast numbers. This reality shouldn’t be ignored but politicians in Washington, London, Ankara and Paris are maintaining their pro-Saudi Arabia and Qatar agenda.

President Bashar al-Assad fully understands that when journalists are deliberately killed by FSA terrorists and when refugees are also killed in Damascus by the same forces; that this doesn’t even enter the radar in Washington. Likewise, when political ministers were killed by terrorists the anti-Syria nations didn’t even bat an eyelid. On the contrary many international politicians and journalists gloated that the days of President Assad were numbered.

However, the Syrian armed forces have fought back against FSA terrorists, Islamists, covert operatives and other sinister forces which are aimed at weakening Syria on the bequest of Washington and Riyadh. Thousands of Syrian soldiers from all faith groups have sacrificed themselves in order that Syria can remain independent and free from foreign control. Therefore, despite the mounting months, outside meddling, media wars, economic blockade, terrorism, and outside forces supporting sectarianism – the Syrian army on the whole remains loyal to President Assad.

Prime Minister Cameron of the United Kingdom met Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey but clearly he missed a golden opportunity to plead with Erdogan to stop violating the sovereignty of Cyprus. Instead both political leaders maintained their anti-Syria rhetoric. Cameron stated that “the very real concerns we have that the regime is about to carry out some truly appalling acts in and around the city of Aleppo.” He negated to mention that the crisis in Aleppo is based on the FSA moving into this city. Also, the brutal murders of refugees by the FSA skipped the mind of Cameron, just like the massacres of black Africans by rebel forces in Libya “on the watch” of the United Kingdom and other nations.

The leader of Turkey once more reminded the world how immature this politician really is. Erdogan stated that“In Aleppo itself the regime is preparing for an attack with its tanks and helicopters ….my hope is that they’ll get the necessary answer from the real sons of Syria.”  It is worth noting that not only is Turkey still violating international law by its illegal occupation of Northern Cyprus – but tens of thousands of Kurds and their villages have also been destroyed by countless different governments of this country. Indeed it is reported that several thousand Kurdish villages have been wiped from the map over the last few decades. However, this and the invasion of Cyprus are tolerated because Turkey is in NATO.

Similar leaders from nations which have been responsible for the deaths of countless numbers in many nations followed the Erdogan line. In other words, Western politicians want the Syrian government to accept that the FSA can kill them in terrorist attacks and that the same terrorists can control major cities. It is not only absurd but it is credulous that major international media agencies are spreading this propaganda on behalf of nations supporting international terrorism and sectarianism.

Recently the Russian Foreign Minister, Lavrov, was visibly riled by the US State Department which implied that terror acts were only natural given the prevailing conditions in Syria. Lavrov responded by commenting that“This is direct endorsement of terrorism. How are we supposed to understand that?

Lavrov continued by stating that This is a sinister position – I cannot find words to express our attitude towards that….In other words this means ‘We are going to support such acts of terrorism until the UNSC does when we want.” 

However, given the reality that America forgave the Bosnia and Saudi Arabia ratlines with regards to the fact that the majority of Islamists who did September 11 emanating from Saudi Arabia. Alongside the fact that many of these very same Islamists had been on the same side of America in Bosnia, then anything is possible from political leaders in Washington. The same applies to the allies of America assisting in the deaths of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan respectively. This applies to Islamists utilizing vast areas of Pakistan alongside the deaths of many American soldiers in Iraq because of the Saudi Arabian angle. Despite this, the US and Saudi Arabia have a strong relationship but Pakistan is disillusioned because of the endless drone attacks which have killed many innocent people in Pakistan.

Hillary Clinton made it clear that once the FSA stays in control of parts of Syria then ratlines can be poured into these areas in order to crush the armed forces of Syria. Turkey, the nation which “ran to NATO” after a plane was shot down by Syria, is hiding behind NATO and its friendship with America by allowing the FSA to obtain military arms and training. Therefore, it is essential for the government of President Assad to retake Aleppo from FSA terrorists.

If the armed forces of Syria can crush the FSA in Aleppo and a real agreement is made whereby the FSA is forced out of major cities – then a political solution can be found whereby the violence ceases. However, if the FSA stays in control of important parts of Syria then clearly outside nations will use these areas in order to attack Damascus in the future.

In the last few weeks the FSA launched attacks against the cities of Damascus and Aleppo but this is being manipulated and turned on its head. After all, how can you blame the government based in Damascus for defending their country from an organization which keeps on spreading its carnage throughout major cities in Syria?


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Islamists enter Aleppo in Syria and Russia implies that US is endorsing terrorism: Syria needs help

Islamists enter Aleppo in Syria and Russia implies that US is endorsing terrorism: Syria needs help

Jibril Khoury and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

Political leaders in Washington, Riyadh, London, Ankara, Paris, and Doha, continue to encourage the Free Syrian Army (FSA) to enter major cities in Syria in order to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Assad. The various units of the armed forces of Syria which are exclusively Syrian are fighting the FSA which relies on outside nations for support. Not only this, the FSA is also supported by international jihadists, covert operatives, mercenaries and special agents from various nations. It is also noticeable that while the armed forces of Syria represent all the faith communities of this country. The same can’t be said about the opposition FSA which is virtually a Sunni Islamist movement.

The armed forces of Syria which represent the mosaic of this country, is up against various brutal sectarian and terrorist organizations. Equally alarming, is the fact that the FSA and other terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda have carte blanche to kill political ministers, refugees, religious minorities, journalists and elites which are loyal to the Syrian government. Such blatant support of international terrorism, sectarianism and sedition is being assisted by many media agencies which twist everything in order to pin the blame on the government of Syria.

Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, is clearly disturbed by Washington’s lack of concern about the terrorist tactics of the FSA which is being inflicted against the Syrian people and refugees. Recently government ministers have been killed, refugees were attacked by the FSA in Damascus, the BBC showed images of the FSA attacking people brutally in Aleppo, terrorists have killed journalists and religious minorities have fled various terrorist organizations. However, despite this, barely a murmur can be heard in Washington, London and Paris.

Therefore, Lavrov was clearly irked by the US State Department which made it clear that terror acts were not surprising given the current leadership of Syria. Lavrov responded by stating that “This is direct endorsement of terrorism. How are we supposed to understand that? …This is a sinister position – I cannot find words to express our attitude towards that.”

Lavrov also had harsh words for the comments made by Susan Rice who represents America at the United Nations (UN). Susan Rice somehow wants to link the terrorist attacks against the people of Syria and link this with enforcing a UN diktat against the government of Syria. In other words, terrorists are to be rewarded for spreading more mayhem and carnage. Lavrov reacted by stating that “In other words this means ‘We are going to support such acts of terrorism until the UNSC does when we want,”  it is certainly a strange measure to be taken by a nation which suffered so badly from terrorism on September 11.  

Lavrov also responded to news that terrorists had took over border controls. He stated that “If such actions of taking territories by terrorists are supported by our partners, we would like to ask them what their position on Syria is. What do they want to achieve in this country?”

At the same time Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, made it clear that opposition forces which are armed, trained, paid and where leaders are based in various different countries, should be supported once firm bases are created in Syria. This would imply that FSA bases in Turkey and other covert operations in this country will move next to having firm military bases within Syria. Once this takes place then the border areas will be able to take in fresh Islamists, mercenaries, covert operatives and special agents in order to crush secular Syria. Surely, this is a direct violation of many international laws but for a nation which dropped Agent Orange all over Vietnam and surrounding nations like Laos and Cambodia, then anything is possible. After all, international law doesn’t take into account the reality of major powers which abuse other nations.

If Moscow is truly interested in solving the Syrian crisis then clearly it is essential to protect the government of Syria if the US is going to create “a bridgehead” to destroy the armed forces of this nation. China, BRIC nations, Iraq and friendly regional nations which are independent must do more to stem the tide of “international terrorism” and the “destabilization of nations.” Now, no nation can claim to not know the objectives of Washington – therefore, either Syria is protected by nations which are free of political pressure from America – or yet another nation will be crushed by outside forces which only care about geopolitics.

Of course this isn’t implying a major war, on the contrary, like the Russian Federation mentioned time after time a political solution is needed. Yet if so many nations are going to sponsor the destabilization of a country including using terrorism, sectarianism and sedition; then a joint peacekeeping force of “trusted nations” is needed. Either the world abides by institutions which support consensus and joint action when appropriate – or the continuing destabilization of nations will take place on the “watch” of Washington, Riyadh, Paris, London, Ankara and Doha.

Media outlets may like to focus on the reality of Afghanistan, Iraq and Kosovo. Since the end of the Kosovo conflict hundreds of Serbian Orthodox Christians have been killed by Kosovo Albanians but how many Kosovo Albanians are in prison for these crimes? Indeed, Hashim Thaci is implicated in the organ scandal whereby people were killed for organs but despite this he can visit America and Japan freely. Likewise, if the US and allies couldn’t bring about peace in Iraq then what hope of achieving anything in Syria? Not only this, look what happened to the Christians, Shabaks, Yazidis and Mandaeans in this country – does the same fate await the minorities of Syria? Lastly, the US entered a coalition with Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan in the 1980s and early 1990s. Only after September 11 did America concern itself with terrorism because this event meant that former allies would now become enemies by default. Yet just like before this US-Sunni Islamic terrorist alliance took hold before September 11 – then even after the “false war between former friends” took place – it is clear that both periods witnessed chaos and no peace can be found after the Najibullah government was defeated.

If America and other nations are so concerned about other countries being militaristic then maybe they could hint to Turkey to leave northern Cyprus and to stop abusing the sovereignty of Iraq. Likewise, America, the United Kingdom and France should look in the mirror. However, this isn’t going to happen and the same applies to the “Palestinian Question.” The reality is simple, powerful nations can destabilize at random and the media war will do the rest along with the other ratlines. It is time for other nations to stand up to the “failed domino theory” before Washington decides on picking on another nation.

Meanwhile, FSA terrorists have entered Aleppo and the BBC link below shows them brutally attacking un-armed civilians. One can only imagine what would have happened if the FSA had not been caught on camera. Once more terrorists enter major cities and start fighting while civilians are based in the same area. It should be remembered that it wasn’t the Syrian armed forces which entered Aleppo to start fighting. However, this will be ignored by many major agencies which have an agenda because the new world order is “follow the leader” and this especially applies when the Democrats are in power in Washington.

It is essential for the Syrian army to prevent any major city falling to the FSA and other terrorist networks. The same applies to preventing firm bases near the border in order to increase the ratlines entering Syria. If the US does what Hillary Clinton implies then the Russian Federation and other nations must respond to this open aggression by sending in peacekeepers providing the government of Damascus supports such a move.


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Syria: Assad took in refugees from Iraq but now the FSA cleansing the Shia, Christians & refugees

Syria: Assad took in refugees from Iraq but now the FSA cleansing the Shia, Christians & refugees

Murad Makhmudov, Jibril Khoury and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

The BBC in its coverage of Syria is clearly biased against the government of Bashar al-Assad. In fairness to the BBC this organization is not alone because the endless negativity of secular Syria under the current government is blamed for every ill under the sky. However, for once this news agency reported the cleansing of the Shia in Damascus by forces of the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA), which in essence is a terrorist and mercenary organization.

Once more the FSA which is supported by a wide array of nations including America, the United Kingdom, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, and by others doing the bidding of the axis of America and Saudi Arabia, began cleansing Iraqi Shia Muslims in Damascus when they entered the capital city. This is clear evidence once more that Christians, Alawites, the Shia and others have much to fear from the wanton violence of the FSA.

It must be stated clearly that Iraqi refugees never fled Damascus when under the full control of the Syrian Army and the leadership of Bashar al-Assad. On the contrary, various faith groups from Iraq were given sanctuary in secular Syria. These refugees in vast numbers fled the vacuum unleashed by America in Iraq. Therefore, Syria under Bashar al-Assad took in Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Shia Muslims, Sunni Muslims, Shabaks, Yazidis, and any Iraqi national fleeing the chaos of this country. Of course, the above refugees did not desire to flee to Saudi Arabia and Turkey. With regards to Turkey this applies to past history related to the massacre of 1.5 million Armenians, Greek Orthodox, Assyrian Christians and other minorities in the early part of the twentieth century.

These refuges also couldn’t flee to Saudi Arabia which is the bastion of “Sunni Islamic fundamentalism” and where women are kept in the shadows. Also, the ethnic cleansing of Orthodox Christians in Cyprus in the middle of the 1970s by Turkey is further evidence of anti-Christian hatred within the institutions of Turkey. Meanwhile turning back to Saudi Arabia it is clear that non-Muslim minorities would not flee to this nation. This applies to Saudi Arabia supporting the killing of apostates and the same nation will not allow one Christian church.

However, this reality, and the reality that the vast majority of terrorists who did September 11 emanated from Saudi Arabia, never concerns political elites in Washington, Paris and London. Not surprisingly, with nations like Saudi Arabia and Qatar supporting the FSA, it is clear that this terrorist and mercenary organization would start cleansing minorities in Syria. Therefore, for once the BBC is highlighting the brute reality of outside nations spreading sectarianism, terrorism and wanton violence.

In the article by Rami Ruhayem which was published by the BBC it is stated that One of the refugees told me he had seen leaflets in Sayyida Zainab warning Iraqis there to leave within three days.”

“Another said an entire Afghan family had been shot to death in their homes.”

“Many of these Iraqis had been in Syria for well over a decade, and others left in 2006 and 2007, as Iraq descended into its own civil war.”

“Their story, and the way they told it, captures a snapshot of a reality slowly unravelling in Syria and Iraq, almost in parallel; the passing of the era of Baathist dictatorship, and what many fear is the rise, in its place, of virulent sectarianism.”

However, you have one noticeable difference because this time it is nations like America, the United Kingdom and France which are also supporting sectarianism. This is giving the FSA carte blanche to cleanse their areas of Alawites, Christians and followers of the Shia. The only binding factor is that Saudi Arabia supported sectarianism in both Iraq and Syria. After all, the biggest numbers of terrorists who entered Iraq from outside nations came from Saudi Arabia. Yet, just like September 11 and the Saudi Arabia connection this reality didn’t mean much to America. Therefore, even when thousands of American soldiers were being killed by the ratlines linking various organizations in Saudi Arabia with terrorism in Iraq, the elites in Washington still did nothing.

Now in Syria the Obama administration under the auspices of Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice are tacitly in collusion with Sunni Islamic terrorism and spreading sectarianism. Not surprisingly and within in a short period of time the FSA once more showed its hatred towards all forms of humanity when entering Damascus. After all, it is clear that Afghan and Iraqi refugees are non-combatants in Syria but to the FSA it was a time to kill and slaughter. Yet, like usual, this will not matter one jot to political elites in Washington, Paris and London. At the same time many major media outlets will put a spin on events in order to incite hatred towards the Syrian government.

In an earlier article by Modern Tokyo Times titled Syria: Christians fleeing to government areas from Sunni Islamic terrorist networksIt was stated that It is noticeable that Christians are fleeing to Syrian government controlled areas in order to be protected by the Syrian armed forces. Of course, this fact will not mean anything to leaders in America, the United Kingdom, and France. The same applies to the mass media, shameful human rights so-called organizations like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, and international political leaders; which are fueling sectarianism and encouraging a bombing campaign against the government of Syria.”

“All leading major religious figures in Syria have spoken out against outside meddling but their voices are being ignored. Instead, the flow of money from the proxies of America, keep on supporting all “the dark forces” in Syria. The Russian Federation is doing everything in its power to reach a peaceful solution and to reduce the bloodshed. However, given past history, then the future looks bleak for Syria unless friendly nations really support this nation politically, economically, and militarily.”

Likewise, Russia Today commented that “The Christian minority in Syria is facing a growing threat and thousands are being forced to flee their homes as they face harassment and discrimination from radical Islamist factions of the opposition.”

“At least 9,000 Christians from the western Syrian city of Qusayr were forced to seek refuge after an ultimatum from a local military chief of the armed opposition, Abdel Salam Harba, Fides News Agency, reports.”

It is noticeable that minorities did not flee areas under the control of the Syrian armed forces. On the contrary, minorities have fled the barbarity of the FSA and various other terrorist organizations which are being assisted by outside of nations. Also, the nation of Syria under Bashar al-Assad took in refugees from Iraq irrespective of the religious or ethnic persuasion of the individual. However, just like minorities in Syria, it is now clear that Iraqi and Afghan refugees in this country are also fleeing the hatred of the FSA.

In the BBC article it was stated about the FSA by one refugee fleeing that “They are not an army, they’re just gangs. There’s only one army, the Syrian Arab Army, and they have a right to protect the people and the country. They are in control in Damascus.”

Despite stating this, it is clear that refugees from other nations in Damascus fear the sectarianism of the FSA. Therefore, with the knowledge that outside nations will continue to support this terrorist organization many are fleeing once more. For Iraqi refugees in Syria they fled the violence unleashed by the vacuum created by America in Iraq – and now they are fleeing the open instigation of Washington supporting terrorism against Syria. The same refugees have also fled the sectarianism of Saudi Arabia which was unleashed in Iraq and which is now being unleashed against the people of Syria.


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Another violent Ramadan in the House of Islam

Another violent Ramadan in the House of Islam 

 Lee Jay Walker     –  The Modern Tokyo Times 

Another terrorist attack in Pakistan by Islamic fanatics
Another terrorist attack in Pakistan by Islamic fanatics


Despite the platitudes by President Obama about Islam being based on peace, the cold reality is very different.  After all, peace and Islam do not go hand-in-hand because Islamic Sharia law is not based on equality, on the contrary it is about the supremacy of Muslims over the non-Muslim dhimmis.   

Also, the central aspect of Islam is clearly about Mohammed and not God. Muslims follow what Mohammed did and not what God ordained and for non-Muslims this appears that Muslims have a “duality” because God appears to come a poor second to Mohammed. 

Yet when you delve into the reality of the real Mohammed then it is clear that modern Islam is based on the sayings of Mohammed, the life of Mohammed, and so forth.  Did God ordain that old men can marry young children?  Of course not, however, the marriage age of children in Saudi Arabia is based on Mohammed. 

The Islamic concept is not about God but what Mohammed did.  Therefore, because he married a young child it means that old Muslim males can marry very young children in the land of Mecca and Medina.  The same applies to a multitude of sins which Mohammed did and said, and this is why violence, Mohammed, and Islam, are part and parcel of the same thing. 

Therefore, violence during Ramadan is natural because Islam is based on the hatred of others and Islam justifies jihad, enslavement, murder of infidels and apostates, and so forth. Given this, the blood keeps running and flowing in accordance with the tenets of Islam and the life of Mohammed. 

Mohammed stated to (Koran 9:29) “Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.” 

Since Ramadan began in 2010 we have had countless suicide attacks or attacks against innocents in Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, and other majority Muslim based nations.  At the same time the last surviving Jain temple was attacked by Islamic zealots in Kashmir and Sikhs have been told to convert to Islam or face death in Pakistan. 

Even during the ongoing flood tragedy in Pakistan you have no let up and no love or compassion amongst the religion of hate.  This applies to Ahmadiyya Muslims being bypassed for economic aid at the expense of the dominant Sunni Muslim population. 

However, Islam is based on “shaky grounds” because are we to really believe that Angel Gabriel was talking to Mohammed all the time?  Also, when Mohammed was visiting all his wives, concubines, and child bride, then what was Angel Gabriel doing?   

Therefore, the story of Mohammed in the later years when he obtained power is about his daily sexual drive and visiting all his females, while praying 5 times a day and talking to Angel Gabriel.  Also, during jihadist attacks by Mohammed and massacring Jews and Pagans, we are meant to believe that all this was sanctioned by Angel Gabriel, which implies God. 

Given this, the Muslim God allowed Mohammed to have more wives than any other Muslim male and the Muslim God allows Mohammed to kill and plunder and then enslave innocents who had been free. 

It is sheer madness to anyone with a rational mind, however, this madness is ongoing and the liberal version in the West is very far from the real version.   Therefore, just like the madness of Mohammed having sex with so many wives, a child, and several concubines, while still praying to God in between.  The same twisted thought pattern continues within Islam in the 21st century, just like it had in the 7th century. 

Therefore, modern day Islamic jihadists pray to God and kill, and then pray again to God and somehow they believe that this is holy.  However, what was holy about Mohammed and what is holy about Islam?    

The liberal West is “prostituting itself” in the name of political correctness, the fear of being deemed religionist, and because of the inherent weaknesses within the democratic system. This in turn enables Islamists to spread their evil message via a dual policy. 

On the one hand we have radical Islamists being given a safe haven in America, the UK, India, and other democratic nations, and this can be seen by homegrown terrorists and radical organizations.  Yet on the other hand we have the dual aspect based on “stealth jihad,” whereby converts or liberal Muslims or Muslims espousing taqiyya and kitman are laying the foundation for the destruction of the host nation.  

India is a prime example, after all they faced the “duality” of this Islamic jihad and this jihad is still ongoing in India.  The Buddhists and Hindus, and others like the Jains and Sikhs, were shown the sword of Islam and many heads were beheaded in the name of Mohammed and so-called Islamic justice.  At the same time the Sufi’s were sent to India in order to create confusion and many converts to Islam were also gained this way.  

This is one form of the “stealth jihad” but you have so many ways of creating confusion in order to obtain power by deception.  Therefore, the words by President Obama about Islam and peace and the ongoing situation about a new mosque being built so close to September 11th is part and parcel of this duality.    

Therefore, behind the real Ramadan is death and violence but world leaders and companies will prostitute themselves for oil, business contracts, and other factors.  The same applies to mega banks who desire to enter the Islamic banking sector. 

Given this, it is yet another bloody Ramadan and the religion of jihad and stealth jihad continues to wage an “open war” and a “hidden war.”  Of course, the “hidden war” is much more dangerous and because of people like President Obama and political leaders in the UK, the advancement of Islam continues under the banner of “peace.” 

However, “real Islam” can be seen by “the soul of Ramadan” which still witnesses death, terrorism, forced dhimmitude, and persecution.  Even during the so-called holy period of Islam it is the same; death, terror, hatred, jihad, and stealth jihad. 

Lee Jay Walker  



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