Spirit of Japan seen in the “Fukushima 50”

18 Mar

Spirit of Japan seen in the “Fukushima 50”

Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times



The earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear crisis, which hit Japan is unprecedented and all three disasters have created untold misery, worry, and an enormous loss of life.  Clean up operations are underway in town and villages which were hit by the earthquake and tsunami.  However, millions of citizens in Japan are struggling for shelter, clean running water, electricity, and all the things that people take for granted in modern nations.

At the same time, the nuclear crisis in Fukushima is creating an enormous cloud and this is creating untold fear and uncertainty for tens of millions of people.  The crisis created by Fukushima is also asking many questions about the nuclear industry and national governments from China to Germany are asking important questions about this sector.  

Images of Fukushima have spread all over the world but the people who are trying to prevent a nuclear meltdown remain faceless and out of sight.  Therefore, they have been named the “Fukushima 50” in honor of their valor and loyalty to the cause.

All members of the “Fukushima 50” understand that death awaits them if the internal conditions become uncontrollable.  However, for the “Fukushima 50” they are thinking about the people of Japan and they understand that they are in the frontline and that if they perish, then countless others will follow from the worst case scenario.

Of course you will have tens of thousands of other “faceless individuals” who are giving everything in order to help people and many are working in dangerous and terrible conditions.  In this sense, but not from the personal danger that the “Fukushima 50” face; the “Fukushima 50” represent all individuals who are working against the clock in order to help the people of Japan.

The Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, commented that “retreat is unthinkable” and for the “Fukushima 50” they not only share the same sentiment, but it is they who are enacting his comment. Therefore, all members of the “Fukushima 50” are willing to sacrifice themselves and this in itself is helping millions of Japanese nationals.

This applies to remaining determined and dogged despite the untold mayhem which is engulfing parts of Japan at the moment.  Also, the sense of unity can be felt by their actions and the same applies to digging deep and facing the wrath of nature.

The earthquake and tsunami showed the potency of nature and natural disasters.  For within seconds and minutes, entire towns and villages can be wiped of the map.

Yet even “in the valley of death” you can find the beauty of humanity and the “Fukushima 50” is showing this to not only the Japanese people but also to the entire world.  (please visit this website)


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